RCinpower GTS V3 1002-22000kv馬達。RCinpower GTS V3 1002-22000kv motor.



RCINPower 以其卓越的品質、性能和最美​​觀的電機而聞名。 現在,他們通過這款 1002 GTS 馬達將其引入 Ultralite/Toothpick 穿越機幾架上使用。 規格: 電壓:22000KV 輸入電壓:1S鋰電池 配置:9N12P 定子直徑:10mm 軸直徑:1.5mm 空閒電流:1.5A @ 5V 最大限度。騙局。功率:52W(3S) 內阻:75mΩ 最大限度。電流:最大 14A (3S) 效率電流:2-4A (大於84%) 重量:2.5克 RCINPower is known for its superior quality, performance and the most beautiful motors. Now, they're introducing it to a few Ultralite/Toothpick traversals with this 1002 GTS motor. Specification: Voltage: 22000KV Input voltage: 1S lithium battery Configuration: 9N12P Stator diameter: 10mm Shaft diameter: 1.5mm Idle current: 1.5A @ 5V maximum. scam. Power: 52W (3S) Internal resistance: 75mΩ maximum. Current: Max 14A (3S) Efficiency current: 2-4A (greater than 84%) Weight: 2.5 grams
